Percentage Difference Calculator

The percentage difference calculator will calculate percentage difference between two positive values greater than 0. Free to use. 100% Accuracy.

How to Calculate Percent Difference?

You can calculate percentage difference between two numbers using the percent difference formula. Follow the simple steps below to understand the calculation method.

Step # 1:

Firstly, find out the absolute value of the difference between two values (V1 and V2).

Step # 2:

Add the values (V1 and V2) and find their average by dividing the sum by 2.

Step # 3:

Divide the absolute value of the difference by the average of values.

Step # 4:

Multiply the answer by 100 to calculate the difference between two numbers.

The Percent Difference Formula

To make the percent difference calculation process easier, here is its formula.

Percentage Difference = (|V1 – V2| / ((V1 + V2)/2)) * 100

To better understand this formula, let’s apply it in an example.

Problem: What is the percentage difference between 8 and 12?


V1 = 8

V2 = 12

By adding values in the percentage difference formula:

Percentage difference = (|8 – 12| / ((8 + 12)/2)) * 100

= (|-4| / (20/2)) * 100

= (4/10) * 100

= 0.4 * 100

= 40%

Hence, the percentage difference between 8 and 12 is 40%.

Benefits of Using an Online Percentage Difference Calculator

An online percent difference calculator facilitates users in several ways. Here are some of the key benefits that make it a must-have tool for everyone to calculate percent difference between the values.

Easy to Use

The user-friendly interface of this percentage difference calculator makes it a perfect choice for users among the other online calculators. The % difference calculator doesn’t ask users to follow any ambiguous process for calculating the difference. All they need is just to enter the values they wish to calculate percent difference of.

Quick Calculations

The online percentage difference calculator provides the calculation results within a few seconds. You won’t have to spend much time getting your desired results. The smart algorithms of this percent difference calculator compute the difference between values and generate reliable results instantly.

100% Accurate Results

You don’t need to worry about the accuracy of results using the online percentage difference calculator. This online % difference calculator delivers 100% accurate and reliable results for the percent difference calculation. If you want to ensure the accuracy of the results provided by this calculator, you may cross-check them using any method.

No Registration

Duplichecker offered a free online percent difference calculator that doesn’t ask users to go through any registration. The percentage difference calculator will not require any subscription from users to use its services. Users can calculate percent difference between the numbers as many times as they want without facing any restrictions.

No Software Installation

Installing a software program isn’t required to use this online percent difference calculator. As It is a web-based tool; hence, you need a stable internet connection to access and use this percentage difference calculator on any device.

How to Calculate Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers?

Calculating percent difference between two numbers is straightforward using the percentage difference formula.

For example, there are two values, 18 and 30, and you need to find percentage difference between them. You can carry out this calculation by following the method explained below.

  1. First, take the difference between 18 and 30, and write down its absolute value, which becomes 12.
  2. After that, add both values and find their average, which makes it 24.
  3. Now you need to find the ratio of absolute value ‘12’ with respect to the average ’24.’
  4. Multiply the ratio, 0.5 by 100, to find percent difference.
  5. Hence, the percentage difference between 18 and 30 is 50%.

Percent Difference Calculation Examples

Here are some examples that can help you understand the working of percentage difference calculation more effectively.

Example # 1:

Sam’s height increased from 5.4 ft. to 6.2 ft. Find percentage difference.


By adding values in the percent difference formula:

Percentage Difference = (|5.4 – 6.2| / ((5.4 + 6.2)/2)) * 100

= (|-0.8| / (11.6/2)) * 100

= (0.8/5.8) * 100

= 13.8%

Hence, the percentage difference in Sam’s height is 13.8%.

Example # 2:

The population of a town increased from 19000 to 26000 In one year. Find the percent difference in population.


By adding values in the percentage difference formula:

= (|19000 – 26000| / ((19000 + 26000)/2)) * 100

= (|-7000| / (45000/2)) * 100

= (7000/22500) * 100

= 31.11%

The percent difference in the town’s population is 31.11%.

Example # 3:

In 2021, the number of students enrolled in a college was 800. The next year, the total number of enrolled students increased to 1500. Find the percentage difference in the total number of students enrolled in the college.


By adding values in the percent difference formula:

= (|800 – 1500| / ((800 + 1500)/2)) * 100

= (|-700| / (2300/2)) * 100

= (700/1150) * 100

= 60.87%

The percentage difference in the total number of students enrolled in a college is 60.87%.


What is Percent Difference?

The percentage difference is a difference between two positive values greater than 0 in terms of a percentage. It is beneficial when you need to determine the difference between two numbers in a percentage.

Is the Percentage Difference the Same as the Percentage Change?

No! the percentage difference is used to calculate the difference between two values compared to their average. On the other hand, the percentage change is useful to identify the difference that has occurred from the original value to a new value.

What Does It Mean When Percent Difference is High?

A high percent difference reflects that the value you’re comparing is quite away from the true value. On the other, a smaller percentage difference shows that you are relatively closer to the real value.

What is the Percent Difference Between 50 and 70?

The percent difference between 50 and 70 can be calculated as follows:

= (|50 – 70| / ((50 + 70)/2)) * 100

= (|-20| / (120/2)) * 100

= (20/60) * 100

= 33.33%

So, 50 and 70 have a percentage difference of 33.33%.

What is the Percentage Difference Between 26 and 38?

Here is the calculation of the percentage difference between 26 and 38.

= (|26 – 38| / ((26 + 38)/2)) * 100

= (|-12| / (64/2)) * 100

= (12/32) * 100

= 37.5%

Hence, the percentage difference between 26 and 38 is 37.5%.