Mobile Friendly Test

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A responsive website design enables a site to change its view and fix according to the size of the screen. For example, a screen with more width can display extra options on the menu, and a smartphone can view the site in an entirely different manner, taking all the possibilities inside a hidden menu bar which can be seen upon tapping.

Along with the dimensions, the line spacing in text and its appearance must also be worked on, in order to view it in a clear and readable manner.

There are numerous websites that have different needs, and every site offers various facilities. They add different features to make their website appear better than others, but the only thing they don’t focus on is making it user-friendly. Today, smartphone users are increasing, and so are the searches from cell phones; it is essential to develop a website with responsive attributes. Sites that have reactive behavior get fifty percent more views than the ones that are not. People should always be ready to fix problems beforehand, and despite all the issues, one thing that is critical for every site is the mobile friendliness.

The mobile-friendly test tool enables you to learn about the page score and how responsive the design of your website is. What you need to work on and what is perfect, our tool will notify you about all. For example, the text is too small, the content is broader than the screen size, has utilized plugins that are not compatible, and more. At the present time, people are visiting websites from various devices with varied screen sizes. You don’t have to follow the screen measurement of every device but few. Phones or tabs with a difference of almost 0.1 inches will not notice any change, but the device with nearly an inch of variance will.

p>After the release of Mobilegeddon update in 2015, the website’s appearance on mobile is considered a ranking factor now. The most common things required are enough space to tap the targeted location on the screen, no horizontal scrolling, and text that doesn’t ask you to zoom in to read. Later that year, according to the analysis of the number of people using smartphones increased more than two billion. Most of the searches or should I say more than sixty percent queries are made from cellphones and below are a few things to keep in mind while adding responsiveness to a website.

  • Support for Multiple Devices

    As long as you don’t let your website be user-friendly for all and when people don’t find it responsive, it is hard that users will stay on your site. Excluding a few features can be an option, but it is essential to give users everything like your desktop site has to offer. It will enable people to use those features without requiring a computer, and therefore, you will gain more users. Also, you cannot add support for every single screen size, which is why selecting the most common ones is sufficient.

  • It Improves Search Engine Rankings

    Google has always recommended making websites mobile friendly because everyone is moving to smartphones, and the search engines have added a tag mobile-friendly website in the search engines results page before sites that have this feature.

    Also, instead of keeping two websites by using the mobile-only approach, it can be really troublesome because you will have to operate two sites at one time and the settings on the mobile version will have fewer options than the other one.

  • The Future of Your Responsive Website

    If you already have a mobile-friendly version of your website, then you don’t have to worry about its futures because the screen sizes of smartphones or tablets are going to remain almost the same. Your site is already responsive and therefore will support all the upcoming devices, but one thing you need to make sure is that you are following the updates in web languages. So, no matter what the objectives of your website are, it is essential to make the next design of your website responsive.

The best part about responsive web design is you can stay in contact with your clients and consumers on smartphones. Moreover, a responsive chat feature enables people to keep in touch with customer support through messages. It is a way to produce more sales and not only it will increase the hit count, but will also upsurge the visit time of people on your site as well. People who used to leave your site right after not finding mobile friendly will revisit.

Responsive Designs

You can stay ahead because still today, more than thirty-five percent of businesses do not own a mobile-friendly website. So, start developing your website through dynamic serving to let the same site open in different devices with unique appearances, instead of making a separate site for mobile.

More than half of the sites today are developed with a responsive design, and as the number of people using the internet and voice search is rising every day, it is essential to create a site with such characteristics. If you already own a site with a responsive layout, our webpagetest tool can check and inform you if there is something that needs improvement. To use the mobile friendly website tester, follow these few sets of lines:

  • On the page of the “Mobile Friendly Test” tool, you will find a text box with the title “Enter a URL.” This is where you will be adding the link of your site to check how responsive your website design is.
  • When you have entered the URL, press the button that says “Check,” and mobile responsive test tool will provide you with results in a matter of seconds.
  • In results, you will know if your site is mobile friendly or not and what your page score is along with what needs to be improved.