HEIC to JPG Converter

Convert HEIC to JPG free within seconds without Losing Quality.

Convert HEIC to JPG Files Online for Free
or drop your files here. Max file size is 30 MB

DupliChecker has simplified the process of converting HEIC to JPG.

You will just have to stick to the following process:

  • Use the ‘Browse’ button or drag-and-drop feature to upload the files.
  • Hit the ‘Convert to JPG’ button.
  • Our HEIC to JPG will take a few moments to process and complete the transformation.
  • Click on the download icon to save the converted file(s) to your local device.


HEIC stands for “High Efficiency Image Container”. The MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) created this image format. This image type primarily excels in compression efficiency.


JPG is an abbreviation for Joint Photographic Experts Group. Compared to HEIC, JPG is a more widely accepted format. Due to the flexible nature of this picture type, a wide range of devices, applications, and web browsers.

The HEIC format is technically better in compression. Therefore, Apple devices like iPhones and iPads have started using HEIC by default for capturing and storing images. On the other hand, JPG remains the more universal choice because it allows accessibility and sharing across various platforms and devices.

The choice between HEIC and JPG format depends on various factors such as device compatibility, storage efficiency, and the unique needs of the digital ecosystem in which the images will be used.

Here are the reasons why you should use our HEIC to JPG converter.

Batch Processing

The power of our HEIC to JPG utility allows it to perform equally well for single or multiple files. Therefore, it doesn't matter for this .HEIC to JPG tool if you want to transform a single or the entire pack of HEIC photos in one go.

100% Free

DupliChecker packs the benefits of a cost-effective and reliable utility under one hood. Since its HEIC to JPG tool operates on groundbreaking technologies, users can use this HEIC to JPG converter free.


HEIC to JPG is available as an online service; You just need a web browser to access it. As it is a web-based tool, therefore, you don’t need to purchase certain devices or install a specific software program.

Ease of Use

The HEIC to JPG converter from DupliChecker boasts a user-friendly interface. Users won’t find any complex options to change HEIC to JPG files.

Speed and Performance

This .HEIC to JPG guarantees to produce quick results, irrespective of the input size. Whether you want to transform a single or batch of files, it won’t impact the speed of this HEIC to JPG utility.


DupliChecker prioritizes the safety of its users. Uploaded and processed files with this HEIC to JPG tool doesn’t save them on its servers or share them with other third-party services. Hence, your files remain completely safe on our platform.

How to convert HEIC to JPG on a Mac?

To convert HEIC to JPG Mac, you will have to open this tool on your Mac’s browser and smoothly perform the entire transformation by following the shared steps.

How can I view or edit HEIC images?

Nowadays, all the latest Android and iOS smartphone models allow viewing and editing HEIC pictures by default. But if your system doesn’t have this feature, you will have to convert from HEIC to JPG rather than use photo-editing software like Adobe Photoshop.

Can I convert multiple HEIC files to JPG at once?

Yes. With DupliChecker’s HEIC to JPG converter free, you can simultaneously transform all of your High-Efficiency Image Container files to the Joint Photographic Experts Group format.

How to convert HEIC to JPG on iPhone?

Yes. Since this tool is available as a web-based utility, you can transform your HEIC files to JPG format on an iPhone or any mobile device with a stable internet connection.

Is there a limit to the file size that can be converted?

No. The HEIC to JPG converter by DupliChecker has no file size limitations. Users can perform the conversion by uploading HEIC files of any size.