Punctuation Checker

Overcome punctuation mistakes with our free punctuation checker. Make your writing technically sound by using punctuation marks accurately in your text!


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How to Check Punctuation Online?

You can check punctuation online with the help of DupliChecker’s punctuation checker. Here are the steps that can be followed to use this tool for checking punctuation online:

  • imgPaste the text in the given box or click upload to submit a file. (You can also import a file from your cloud storage account).
  • imgHit the “Check Punctuation” button to get started.
  • imgThe punctuation mistakes will be highlighted instantaneously.
  • imgTap on each highlighted error and use the suggestion given by this tool to make rectifications.

Mistakes DupliChecker’s Punctuation Checker Can Correct

Duplichecker’s punctuation checker won’t leave any punctuation mistakes undetected in your text. The common punctuation mistakes you can correct with this tool include the following:



Comma is widely used in writing, representing a small break between different parts of a sentence. It also works as a separator when listing down items in a sentence. However, it’s commonly misused in writing, such as placing it before that in a clause, using it before a verb, etc. Whether you have mistakenly used a comma at the wrong place or missed using it in a sentence, the comma checker will catch the mistake and help you resolve it.


Colon and Semicolon

People often need clarification on the usage of colon and semicolon. Most commonly, people need to learn to use them in place of one another. In writing, a semicolon is used between two closely related sentences. On the other hand, a colon is used to introduce a list or define the meaning of a previous sentence or clause. Being a non-native writer, the usage of these two punctuation marks may need to be clarified for you. But there is no need to worry, as this tool also works as a semicolon checker that will help you detect and correct punctuation mistakes smartly.



An apostrophe is used to show the possession of someone or something in a sentence. This punctuation mark is often confused with contractions, i.e., shortening and combining two words; it also involves a mark similar to an apostrophe, which leads writers to face confusion. If you also need clarification with the usage of apostrophes in your writing, this punctuation checker will thoroughly check your content and let you know if any mistake needs to be corrected.


Dashes & Hyphens

The dashes and hyphens are also confused because of their similar appearance. However, they serve different purposes in writing. When you are required to join two or more words, a hyphen must be used. On the other hand, if you need to indicate a range or pause in a sentence, then you must use a dash. The online punctuation corrector is capable of detecting such minor mistakes in your text. So, you can take its assistance to make your writing flawless.

How Does Duplichecker’s Punctuation Checker Work?

The text punctuation correction tool is based on advanced AI algorithms that can punctuate text without compromising readability and overall quality. Furthermore, the punctuation corrector also offers valuable suggestions to fix these punctuation issues. He will first understand the context of your text and then make appropriate corrections.

How Does a Punctuation Check Tool Can Help?

The online punctuation checker can benefit the users in a variety of ways. Here are some of them.


Enhanced Writing Accuracy

Whether you're a student or a professional, your writing needs to be accurate. Any minor grammar or punctuation errors in your text will negatively impact your career and reputation in front of others. You can check punctuation in your text using any reliable tool to avoid this issue. This way, you can detect every punctual error in your content and enhance its accuracy and readability.


Learning from Suggestions

Humans are prone to making errors, but all of us possess the ability to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them. If you wish to enhance your learning about punctuation marks, the online punctuation check tool has got you covered. The tool not only spots mistakes but also provides suggestions for fixing them. You can thoroughly review this tool's suggestions to improve your understanding of punctuation marks.


Real-Time Suggestions

An online punctuation checker won’t ask you to submit your file and come back again to find suggestions for fixing the errors. This tool is fully automated and offers real-time suggestions for rectifying punctual mistakes in your writing. Therefore, you can easily correct the errors you have made any time, anywhere, with the help of this punctuation corrector.


Enhanced Credibility

Credible information is not enough. It must be presented in a way that people can trust it. Even if you write 100% accurate information in your article but it consists of so many grammar or punctuation mistakes, readers aren’t going to trust you. As a result, they may no longer be interested in reading your article. Therefore, using a reliable punctuation correction tool is a must to enhance the credibility of your writing and make it popular among the audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! You can use a punctuation checker for any type of writing, as the function of punctuation marks remains the same everywhere. Whether a short email text or a detailed article, you can quickly check punctuation and correct mistakes straightforwardly.

Yes! It’s essential to follow punctuation rules strictly when you are involved in formal communication. In casual conversations with friends, the usage of punctuation marks can be avoided. However, while writing a blog post, article, email, business proposal, or any other professional task, you must strictly follow punctuation rules.

Yes! You can trust an online punctuation checker to spot all punctuation mistakes in your content. Whether there is missing punctuation in your content or you have used a punctuation mark incorrectly, this tool will help you quickly catch and rectify the mistakes.

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