What is my IP

This tool provides results against (What is my IP, whats my IP, my IP address, show my IP address, find my IP address, get IP address) also provide you information about IP Address, State/Province,Time Zone of your current location.

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Are you looking for “what's my IP”, “what's my IP address” or “whats my IP”. So you are in the right place. Duplichecker provides you complete information about “what is my IP”. Internet protocol (IP) is the protocol by which information is transmitted from one device to another over the internet. Every device on earth that is connected to the internet has a unique internet protocol address. An IP address is considered as your device identifier. The IP address is an exclusive string that is used by a tool to connect and share information with other devices through the internet. All the transmission of data between a sender and receiver takes place through their IP addresses.

For instance, if you want to buy something online, then how can you get it at your doorstep? Obviously, by mentioning your address on the online shopping app. Similarly, the internet uses your IP address to deliver all the requested instructions from your device exclusively to you.

If you are looking for “My public IP” or “My Local IP” you are in the right place. Duplichecker provides you complete information about Public and local ip addresses. Let's take a lock on types of IP addresses.

Additionally, every website also has a unique IP address, but most of the users don't know about that as they use DNS instead of typing the IP address of that website. For example, if you want to get access to Google, then you will type "www.google.com" (DNS) instead of entering the IP address. The domain name is more user-friendly, that's why people prefer using them to get access to a webpage. The internet protocol address provided by your Internet service provider is known as a Public IP address. Your ISP assigns a unique IP address to your device when you connect to the internet. When you send any request to the webpage, your IP address will be delivered with your request from your web browser. Your ISP uses this IP address to determine which of its customers want to access a specific webpage and enables you to get your required information.

On the other hand, the local IP address is assigned by InterNIC to allow various organizations to create local networks. Your local IP address is usually hidden from the people; even you also don't know about your local IP address most of the time. The local IP address can be changed according to the number of connected devices in your network. The local IP address gets changed incrementally with each addition of a device in your system. You can also assign a local IP address to any device such as a printer from the Control Panel of your device.

The process of getting the local or public IP address was a difficult task for many people in the past, but not anymore; as you can use this fantastic what is my local IP address tool to find your local IP address quickly. Also, if you want to find your public IP address, then your search is over. This tool also enables you to track your public IP and local address within no time.

Here is the main difference between IPv4 and IPv6.

IPv4 IPv6
Example : Example : 2001:5e3s:0202:0101:d421:8221

You have seen many people asking about what is an IPv4 address, or what is an IPv6 address. Why are they curious to know about these addresses? What exactly are IPv4 and IPv6 addresses?

and IPv6 addresses? Well, IPv4 is considered as the most widely used IP version. This IP version was also the first version of the Internet Protocol. The IPv4 version was developed by ARPANET in 1983 and used to identify the number of devices connected to a network.

The Ipv4 is almost carried 94% of the internet protocol and considered as the first internet protocol version. This IP version uses a 32-bit address scheme that enables it to store 2^32 addresses, which becomes more than 4 billion addresses.

We all know that billions of people are using the internet to get information or communication. As it has discussed earlier that every device has a unique IP address; therefore, it is essential to assign an individual IP address to all new internet users. The IPv6 version was developed to fulfill this requirement. The primary purpose of deploying this new scheme was to satisfy the need for unique IP addresses and to resolve the issues that were associated with the IPv4 version. The IPv6 version has the length of 128 bits that allow this version to store 2^128 addresses, which becomes 340 undecillion addresses.

An IP address can reveal a lot about you including your:

  • City
  • Country
  • State/Province
  • Postal or Zip Code Lookup
  • What is my Time-zone?

This tool helps you in different ways.It can trace your exact location like your province ,your country and even your city where you are living.It can also provide you postal or zip code lookup.Furthermore, it can also help you to reveal time-zone of your IP location.

If you are looking for a tool to find out about an IP address, then you are in luck as there are many free tools available over the internet that can serve this purpose. What is my IP being one such tool? You can use this excellent tool if you are interested to know what's my private IP? Some of these tools are paid while most of the tools require no registration or sign up, they are completely free to use.

What is my Browser?

DupliCheker's “ What is my IP “ tool being free and quick to use. It helps you to find your IP address, and you can use it for various purposes such as:

  • Online gaming
  • Remote desktop apps
  • Detecting Proxies

All you have to do is visit our website and then navigate to IP tools; this will take you to a category of IP related tools, get details of your IP address.

Your IP address can reveal your personal information such as your city, state, time-zone, etc. The websites you visit can also access your data by linking IP addresses with metadata, cookies, or search history. Therefore, it becomes crucial to hide your current location or IP address from other people or sites.

DupliChecker offers you "what is my IP" tool that enables you to find your IP address easily. This fantastic IP tool helps you in various ways, as you can find your IP address within no time by using this tremendous tool. Our "what is my IP" tool also enables you to track your internet protocol address quickly that assists you to hide it from hackers or other people.

There are many online tools available that can help you in finding your IP address, but most of them are usually paid or restrict you to make some account on some websites. However, you can use our amazing "what is my IP" tool to find your IP without any hurdle. You don't need to make any account on any website or install any software to use our free “find my IP” tool.

Additionally, there are no subscription charges or trial period of using this efficient tool. You can find your IP address without paying a single penny to anyone by using our fantastic "what is my IP" tool.

Moreover, “what is my IPv4” tool can be used to track your IPv4 address within a few seconds. You might have seen many people worried about finding their IP address; fortunately, they can use our “what is my IP” tool to get the IP address of their device within a blink of an eye.

We at DupliChecker strive to offer amazing tools to our users that can assist them in performing their professional or academic tasks. Our primary concern is to provide free tools to the students or people who cannot afford to buy expensive paid software to perform their jobs. This fantastic “what is my IP” tool will be a great help for you to get the IP address of your device without any hassle.