Broken Backlink Checker

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Backlinks have immense importance for improving the search engine optimization of a website. The total number of incoming links your site generates influence its recognition on search engines. The spiders of search engines index the websites according to the quality of inbound links they contain. If your site builds high-quality incoming links and the content you post gets crawled plus indexed, there is a possibility of driving better quality traffic to your site. In other words, your site becomes more pertinent in the result pages for your targeted keywords.

Having Backlinks on the sites boosts the importance along with the credibility of your site. Most of the popular search engines, especially Google, rewards more acknowledgment to the webpages that get praised and are supported by other existing websites. In order to get this endorsement, other sites have to post links pointing to your site in their content. As a result, your site would be given much more consideration as compared to other websites in the search result pages. However, if the backlinks are broken or lead users to the wrong domain, then your website may face adverse results.

It might not look dangerous, however, a broken inbound link can severely hurt your website by affecting its search engine optimization and user experience. Visitors of a website are unpredictable and can change their opinion towards your site due to a single error. If a user stumbles upon a dead Backlink, they will get demotivated to visit that page any further.

Your site’s ranking will decline gradually as broken links won’t be giving any reason to visitors to stay at your website. Furthermore, when search spiders come across broken links, they discontinue indexing that page and jump to the other one. It means that any page containing a missing link will neither be indexed nor will be awarded any ranking in SERP.

All these consequences might seem scary, but there is no need to be scared as you can identify your websites’ broken backlinks and fix them. But the question that is still left is how to find them? DupliChecker has the solution for your problem, as it is providing the broken link checker tool.

Clicking a link and seeing a ‘404-page error’ is annoying. We surely don’t forget and like to revisit the site, which leads us to a broken link. If your website is full of broken Backlinks that prevent visitors from getting details they were searching for will lead to a reduction in your site’s total traffic. Users will move to other websites, most probably your competitors’, to get the same information. It may take years to build trust but a few seconds to lose all your efforts. Thus, using a link scanner tool is probably the best option available to save your site from such consequences.

A broken backlink checker is a web-based tool that highlights dead Backlinks (if existing) without charging a single penny. As earlier discussion illustrates that you must acknowledge and fix the presence of broken incoming links to keep your site away from adverse impacts. Hence, using our URL checker is a good step towards improvement.

If you begin manual inspection of broken Backlinks on your site, then it may take ages for you to figure out all of them. In fact, even after investing so much effort, in the end, you may not gain satisfactory results. On the other hand, using a site checker tool provides accurate results but requires minimal efforts. Consequently, you can end up using precious time and hard work for some other fruitful task.

URL checker allows the visitors to insert any URL; hence, using it to track the broken links of your competitors’ website can be a smart approach. Their disadvantage can become your advantage as you can reach out to the sites which are unable to transfer link juice for particular backlinks to your competitors.

As earlier mentioned, our link scanner tool doesn’t charge a penny from any of its users. You don’t even have to get involved in any registration process as this tool has been developed by our technical team to make your life easier, not complicated. The broken link checker is an online tool, which means you don’t have to worry about installing any special software for using it. Also, this URL checker can be accessed through any mobile device or PC. All you’ve to do is follow the steps mentioned below for getting hands-on the list of broken backlinks.

  • Open this site checker by entering the following webpage URL in the address bar. (
  • Next, you’ve to enter the URL of the website in the box provided. Broken Backlink Checker
  • Third and the last step is to click on the “Check Broken Links” button available below the URL box. Broken Backlink Checker
  • If any broken backlinks are existing on the site you entered, our broken link checker will display them in a matter of seconds. Along with broken links, this tool will also provide you the following information:
    • Domain Rank
    • Do Follow Links
    • No Follow Links
    • Referring Domains
    • Referring IP’s
    Broken Backlink Checker Broken Backlink Checker