How to Write a Good Marketing Copy That Generates Leads?

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How to Write a Good Marketing Copy That Generates Leads? March 14, 2023

The objective of bringing new customers to your business depends upon the fact that how you are approaching them. We all know content is the key to success. But not all types of content will provide you with the results you are looking for. 

Many writers get overconfident and think that whatever they write is perfect for capturing the audience’s attention and generating leads. However, the reality is the contrary, as it requires precision and great effort to write good marketing copy that generates leads.

A marketing copy is a type of content that focuses on promoting and selling a product or a service. A marketing copy also plays a vital role in driving the audience toward a particular action. 

Copywriting has become more popular over the past years, but only some know how to write good copy that brings fruitful results. Besides generating leads, it also has a part in boosting conversions.

So, are you eager to know the ingredients that can help you make a good marketing copy? Do you want tips on writing it? 

This post will explain everything about writing good marketing copy. Read the post until the end to learn about writing good marketing copy!

What Makes a Good Marketing Copy?

Several factors sum up to make a good marketing copy, which includes the following: 

1. Easily Understandable Structure

In copywriting, nothing is more important than the content structure. The structure of a marketing copy must be easily understandable. So the consumers can quickly skim through it and spend more time reading the content. There are no hard and fast rules about marketing copy structure. 

Here are a few guidelines to help copywriters structure their copy. These include:

  • Follow the AIDA formula
  • Write in short paragraphs
  • Use multiple headings and subheadings
  • Add bullet points
  • Use simple words
  • Write short sentences

2. Clear Call-to-Action

Only raising the interest of consumers isn’t enough to boost conversion. Your copy must include a proper call to action to tell consumers what to do to complete the purchasing circle. A call-to-action educates people on what to do next if they decide to purchase. 

Usually, the call-to-actions are placed at the end of the articles or copies. Or where every query of the reader has been answered and encourages them what to do next. However, its place can be changed according to the needs. But wherever it is, it should be clear and lead consumers to the right place. 

3. Solutions to Readers’ Problems

Satisfying users’ needs is important for getting the desired results. If your users are searching for solutions to their problems, you should provide them with the right solutions. 

While writing marketing copy, you should always be aware of the common issues most people face. When you directly address those problems, you will get their confidence, and they will believe in your words and value your content.

4. Marketing Appeals

Appeals have become an inevitable part of marketing and advertising. Marketers and advertisers deliberately use appeals to build and strengthen the connection between the brands and their consumers. A marketing copy with any marketing appeal works better than a copy without it.

There are various marketing appeals that you can use according to your users’ interests, So it is essential to analyze consumers’ behaviour and select an advertising appeal accordingly. The most common appeals are emotional appeal, rational appeal, humour appeal, fear appeal, scarcity appeal, etc.

5. Research

Research is among the most crucial elements of copywriting. When you write to persuade people to buy a product or service, you must know about those people first. You have to know what language they understand, which emotional appeals can work on them better, what values they uphold, what problems they face, and what persuades them the most. Moreover, analyzing competitors’ content can help you discover the knowledge gap and other key areas you can cover to improve your marketing copy.

Dos of Copywriting

A few dos of copywriting can help you create extraordinary copy that can make a huge difference and help you generate more leads than you think. Here they are!

● Educate Your Readers

When writing copy, you should always educate your readers about their problems and how your products or services can resolve them. As soon as they realize the content is written for their education, they focus on it and read every word carefully. So, instead of telling them what your products or services do, educate your consumers about why they need them. 

● Add Multimedia

Adding multimedia to your content can do wonders. When you have written informative and engaging content with an extraordinary structure, you need to add a few visuals to make your content more appealing. Adding multimedia is like the cherry on top. It not only assists in communicating your thoughts but also adds a wow factor to your content.

● Do Belief in Your Creativity

Most writers duplicate others’ marketing copy and believe it will work for them. But remember that, in copywriting, copying others always backfires. That’s why it is suggested to show your creative skills and come up with unique ideas and words. It will always perform better than plagiarized content

Don’ts of Copywriting

After learning about the dos, now is the time to discover the don’ts of copywriting. So let’s know what they are!

Don’t Confuse Consumers

When writing a marketing copy, always be specific to one thing and don’t mix up different ideas. For example, if you are writing a copy for a table, stick to its features, pros, materials, etc., and don’t talk about any other product you offer. When you discuss various products or items, you confuse your readers and force them to press the close or back button.

● Don’t Copy Others’ Lines

You can take ideas from others’ writings and marketing copy, but copying their lines and words is a sin in copywriting. When creating a marketing copy to generate leads and conversion, you should be extra careful about plagiarism. Only a few instances of plagiarism in your copy could ruin your work. So, always write from scratch and check your work for plagiarism with a trusted online plagiarism checker. It can help you ensure uniqueness and protect your reputation.

● Don’t Exaggerate 

Unfortunately, exaggeration is a common practice in copywriting. Many writers, especially newbies, make this mistake. They promise readers to provide the things that they don’t offer. It seems great, but it provides more harm than good. Exaggeration can hurt a brand’s credibility and create a negative impact on consumers’ minds. Instead of exaggeration, copywriters must write truthfully and highlight the unique benefits and features of the products or services. 

Tips to Write a Marketing Copy That Generates Leads

At last, let’s discuss the essential tips to help you create exceptional marketing copy that can generate tons of leads:

1. Write for Humans, Not Algorithms

Most content creators emphasize search engine algorithms more than their targeted audience. They structure the entire content according to those algorithms and believe the content can do wonders. However, that content usually fails to impress anyone except the writers themselves.

Instead of focusing on algorithms, writers must take care of their consumers. It is the consumers who purchase products, not the machines. So, you must answer their queries and impress them with creativity, writing skills, word selection, and product knowledge. Hence, you must not fill your copy with keywords but provide as much information to the consumers as possible. 

2. Write in an Understandable Language

When your main goal is to persuade readers to take specific actions, you need to write in a language and tone they understand. That’s why it is essential to keep your sentences and words simple and avoid complex words that readers may not understand. Apart from that, when you are writing for a broader audience, avoid using many technical terms that may distract readers from the original context of your copy. 

Moreover, make sure the content is free from all grammar errors. Grammar errors ruin the beauty of content and disturb effective communication. So, before publishing content, make sure to check your text with an AI-based online grammar check tool to find and fix all grammatical and structural issues.

The clearer your message, the better your copy can perform and generate quality leads. On the other hand, when people cannot understand your message, they won’t take the actions you want them to take. That’s how you may lose valuable leads.

3. Use Powerful and Alluring Words

Your word selection can have a significant impact on readers. It may encourage them to buy your products, services, or ideas or close the tab to find alternatives. That’s why you should choose the words to communicate with your potential clients. 

The most effective way to catch your customers’ attention and increase their interest is to use powerful words (best, top, cheapest, strong, free, special, improved, etc.) and attractive words (astonishing, majestic, wondrous, aspiring, etc.). These words will strongly impact readers’ minds and encourage them to make positive decisions.

4. Make Your Copy Scannable

Modern readers tend to scan content and look for the selected information instead of reading every word. Sometimes, they need more time. Other times, they don’t want to read anything. So, as a professional copywriter or marketer, instead of cursing readers’ behaviour, it is better to make your text scannable and help them locate the information they want.

Make your text easy to scan, keep paragraphs short, and use headings & subheadings to break down information. Apart from that, adding bullets and listicles is also recommended in copywriting as they help readers to get specific details. And lastly, including some visual elements can also create a difference as they make content more scannable, understandable, and appealing.

5. Be Specific

For successful communication between you and your consumers, it is better to only provide them with the necessary information. That’s why it is better to only focus on one thing at a time. 

For example, if you are trying to sell digital art, only talk about it; don’t talk about other paintings and art pieces, even if they are better and more profitable. Once you are specific about one thing, you can provide all the information they need without letting anything else distract them.

Final Thoughts:

Writing a good marketing copy that generates quality leads isn’t difficult but tricky. In copywriting, the main focus or goal is to convince people to take a particular action. That’s why you should be extra cautious while writing marketing copy. It can be helpful if you take care of the dos and don’ts of copywriting and get assistance from the tips mentioned in this article. This way, you can improve your writing skills and generate marketing copy that generates unlimited leads.