Author: Davies Selvotor Page 6

Adding Emphasis in Writing
by Davies Selvotor
Reading Time: 4 min

Adding Emphasis in Writing

Writing Tactics Writing includes different tactics and strategies which the writer needs to follow to innovate all together with a different document. It is always better to use the proper words, punctuations, etc while writing because these affect the document ….

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Tips for Travel Writing
by Davies Selvotor
Reading Time: 3 min

Tips for Travel Writing

Everyone writes in his life, some take this as a profession or others do this according to their needs. Those people who make “writing” their profession knows many writing styles and portray the images in their writings which are really ….

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Documenting Electronic Sources
by Davies Selvotor
Reading Time: 3 min

Documenting Electronic Sources

There are different ways to gather the data and as well as there are many sources from where one can collect the data regarding the particular topic, like the internet and many other kinds of digital sources. Internet is the ….

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Writing A Poetry, Poem or Song
by Davies Selvotor
Reading Time: 4 min

Writing A Poetry, Poem or Song

Writing poetry for your loved ones is one of the best ways to express your feeling to them. Through your poetry, you can express your love more rather than giving gifts or going out on a date and spending ample ….

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Search Engine Rankings
by Davies Selvotor
Reading Time: 3 min

Search Engine Rankings

It is the dream of every website owner to get to the top of a search engine list. The websites which appear on the top of a search engine always get more clicks than the others and thus results in ….

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