Awareness of Plagiarism in College

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Awareness of Plagiarism in College August 27, 2020

The word plagiarism means, the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work, as by not crediting the author or something used or represented in this manner. Plagiarism is a form of cheating or stealing. Taking credit for someone other’s work or thoughts is definitely unacceptable, so plagiarism is a crime. It is immoral to copy something out of a book, newspaper, journal, or any other printed source and represent it with your name, without giving the credit to the real owner.

Why plagiarism in College is different?

Plagiarism is although present in all circles of life. But plagiarism in college is slightly different from its other shapes because plagiarism in college is an in-house college situation. Colleges have always tried to keep problems within their own review and disposition. They usually handle all the offensive matters internally, without going to court or police. Plagiarism in college seems to be more of a moral situation. Students commit this crime without even realizing that they are doing something wrong most of the time. Mostly they don’t logically classify it with the theft of college equipment, classmate’s belongings, or any other thing. We can also call it unintentional plagiarism.

Importance of Writing in College

But since writing and the creation of written material is an important part of college education, it is probably felt by college administrators that the reputation and worth of the college’s education are liable to criticism if many of the students pass stolen material to their teachers as their own. The Internet offering students such a wealth of information at their fingertips, copy and pasting is so simple and easy that leads to the act of plagiarism. Students don’t know how to use information sources ethically that leads students to misuse that certain information. But students must check their content with an online plagiarism checker to avoid any duplication.

Prevention Approach for Plagiarism

To deal with plagiarism in college the first step should be the preventative approach because as everyone knows prevention is better than cure.

  1. The students need to be educating about plagiarism. They should have a clear cut view of, what is plagiarism and the immorality of this crime.
  2. Library instruction sessions have become valuable outlets for academic librarians to use in educating students about plagiarism.
  3. College libertarians and teachers should be well trained to guide students, how they can avoid plagiarism.
  4. College policy about plagiarism should be clearly defined and well known to all the students.
  5. They should know the consequences and penalties for doing plagiarism.

Infect college students are not mature criminals so they can’t be punished harshly but there should some penalties so that students have to think before committing this crime.