Website content management

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Website content management August 17, 2012

Website content management is a software tool, which is used by technical staff and even the non-technical people. It manages the creation of structured web pages for intranet, extranet and internet websites.
Nowadays it is a common idea that we can create our own web pages but two decades back it was not the case. Earlier you have to understand html in order to create website. It meant that if you wanted your web presence you need to consult technical staff and not just that you would need them when you want to make adjustments or when you are updating the site. For this reason, the content was sometime of low quality or was updated late. The website had to run a process in which the update was sent through email to the web technical team. If they uploaded the material on time it was, good for you otherwise the website had to accept whatever they were doing.

After the website content management was developed, this issue was resolved. In addition, the need for technical staff even for the updating purpose was eliminated. The motive of inventing the website content management was to allow the non-technical staff to create web pages or to revise the web pages.
A website content management implements a structure on the web pages that are created. This structure is called templates. The structure is actually the layout of the web page which is usually hidden from the author or the person who will revise the web page so that he/she may not get confuse in the process and should only complete his/her task of including data on the web page.
A website content management manages the units of information on the web pages each of which is connected through a path. Each unit is defined by its location on the web page. There is extensive cross linking between pages so that the user can move from one page to another. It facilitates the creation of content, its control, the editing of web pages and consists of many other indispensable features by presenting the knowledge to users who have no knowledge of programming languages. In other words, website content management is publishing engine that creates or edit the content made available for the website visitor. It has a process that legalizes the content before it is published to a website.
However, the world has changed so much that nobody will buy a website content management that only includes the process of creating and managing content. Today the users demand more than just two functions, at a time when the internet is dominated by social websites and all sort of tools are available at amazons and ebay. One of the new features in website content management includes whole collection of social tools where users can have two-way conversations with the visiting audience. So nowadays, you will hear many other terms with website content management in order to make the experience more modified and custom-made.