Understanding Writing Assignments

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Understanding Writing Assignments August 17, 2012

Assignments And Steps To Follow

In the graduation and master phase, the lecturers used to give assignments to the students so that they can have a better grip on the subject. But the difficult phase comes with the students because most of the students don’t know how to do the assignments. To facilitate the students there is following steps which the students should follow in order to better understand the assignments so that the students can easily work out on different assignments:

Must Ask Questions

The writer must ask the questions to the lecturer, etc. If there is any confusion in order to avoid hassle in the later part of doing.

Knowing About the Time Bound

The writer must know the due date regarding the submission of an assignment before starting the assignment.

Read the Statement

The writer must read the whole assignment statement very carefully and go through it in deep detail.

Pinpoint the Main Points

The researcher/writer must circle the main and important parts of the assignment so that the writer can focus on the solid point and relate the facts and figures properly.

Must Consider the Instructor View

The writer must reconsider the words which the lecturer used to use in the lecture period because he/she wants you to use those words in the assignments too.

Rank the Points

The writer must write the most important point is the first place and then so on like from important to the least important. The above mentioned are the steps which the researcher/ writer must follow in order to understand the assignment. The writer must know about the purpose for which he/she is writing.

The audience should be of great importance because it is the audience for which the writer used to write and the writer should try to meet the expectations of the audience and for that matter the author must know about the level and the requirements of the audience and then write accordingly. The resources from where the writer collects the data are also very necessary because the writer must define before start writing that from where he/she can collect the authentic data.

For understanding the assignments it is necessary for the reader to reread the points given for the assignments and highlight the main points and read them again and again. The formalized steps for carrying out the assignments are as follows:

Brainstorming: It involves the generation of different ideas

Researching: Collect and search the data from primary and Secondary Sources

Develop The statement of the thesis: Here the writer needs to write the formal statement

Prewriting: At this stage the writer discusses the thoughts and ideas

Development: The writer develops the first draft

Organization: At this point the author needs to organize the data in a way that all the points and paragraphs look relevant to each other.

Revising and Editing: To revise the document is very necessary because by revising one can find mistakes and irrelevant data that are not appropriate to the assignment.

For the students the above tips are key to produce an effective written assignment. If the writers check the grammar before submitting their assignments or thesis, then they can easily produce the worthwhile document in a very less time, and no doubt the time is a big constraint and to manage time is again a very crucial aspect while writing the assignment that is why time is considered to be the most important of everything.