How to Write a Good Pitch That Wows Editors and Clients? 

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<strong>How to Write a Good Pitch That Wows Editors and Clients? </strong> December 20, 2023

Are you one of those who are tired of getting no responses or rejection slips on the gazillion email pitches you have sent out? If yes, then don’t worry; you aren’t alone in experiencing this miserable situation.

Landing high-paying jobs is the desire of every single professional out there. But, writing a pitch that can impress the recipient is undeniably not an easy task. Many of you might have an idea that most popular blogs don’t look for writers themselves or post jobs on different platforms. Instead, they simply pick the writers who approached them with a beautifully crafted pitch.

However, having a good understanding of writing an excellent pitch is essential in this regard. If you are new to crafting a pitch, then you are in the right spot, as we’re going to share a few practical tips that will surely work for you. Let’s unveil them without any further ado!

7 Best Practices For Writing a Good Pitch

1. Incorporate Your Personality in Pitch

Cold and robotic pitch may not help you achieve your expected output. Incorporating your personality into the pitch will increase its engagement. Connecting with the employer or editor on a personal level is highly crucial.

But, you need to understand that there is a human on the other side of the pitch and you need to make him excited about it. So, try to be genuine and show your positives in an excellent way to make them feel it. Bring engagement to your pitch and talk to editors as you talk to your friend, but in a professional and more respectful manner.   

2. Craft Perfect Pitches  

Every individual who wishes to compose an outstanding pitch must understand the importance of personalization. You need to ensure that your pitch is particularly for the person you’re approaching. It is also advised not to use the same pitch for every client and editor. 

It is suggested to customize your pitch for every journalist, editor, and publication. This will let the editors understand that you’re experienced in doing your work and ultimately they will trust your pitch. In short, the more specific your pitch is, the more it will appeal to the editors and clients.

3. Mention Affiliate Relationships 

There are a number of businesses that want to feature only brands available on sites with affiliate marketing programs. They may ask for the pitches for products that are available on particular retail programs. They may also request useful publications such as ratings or reviews. 

Editors need to learn if there is any possibility for an affiliate commission with clients’ products. You can make things easier for them by adding any affiliate relationship in your pitch and save them from contacting you back for this information later on. 

4. Write Attractive Subject Lines 

Editors and clients receive thousands of emails on a daily basis. The subject line of your pitch plays a critical role in making it stand out from the crowd and prompts them to open it. An excellent subject line turn the tables in your favour, bring creativity and engagement to your entire message. The shorter and more concise it will be, the more it will attract the editors.

Besides, you can also try using the most searched keywords in your subject line to make your pitch easy to find in the Journalist’s inbox. In addition, don’t overthink about making your subject line perfect. The primary purpose of the subject line is to encourage the client to open your mail. So, try to make it simple and engaging.

5. Ensure Text Concisness

The pitch length is crucial to making it attractive for the clients and editors. You need to frame a media approach with a perfect storyline in limited words. This will help them learn what you desire to convey. It is suggested to take small breaks and then come back again with a better perspective. 

Certainly, you must ensure that your pitch is precise and should have two or three introductory sentences that highlight its primary purpose. Make sure you’re leading towards your main point from the starting sentence. Then, move on to the body of the pitch and include supporting sentences to explain your primary message. 

6. Examine Your Pitch Before Sending 

Readability is an essential element of a winning pitch. You need to understand that the simple spelling or grammar mistakes can prevent you from landing a game-changing press placement.

The following suggestions will help you improve the readability of your pitch: 

  • Use bullet points to avoid lengthy text
  • Use bold words to make important points easily noticeable
  • Focus on making your text easy to scan

After writing a pitch, double-check the submission guidelines to ensure you’re following the style guide before sending your pitch. Similarly, avoid industry-specific jargon and technical terms to ensure that your content is easily readable.

7. Include a Clear Call-to-Action  

Last but not least, a good pitch is incomplete without adding a targeted call to action. It is suggested to place the call to action at the top or middle of the pitch and try not to bury it under lengthy content, which make it hard for the editors to find it. In addition, the next steps should be presented in a manner that allows the recipient to easily follow them after reading the pitch.

A clear call to action can be a powerful way to set up an interview with your client. So, no matter what your call to action is, it must be able to guide the client or editor to take immediate action after reading your pitch. 

Bottom Line: 

The information shared in this blog post would have helped you learn about the significance of a good pitch to engage editors and clients. In addition, the recommendations we have provided in this blog post will be of use to you in crafting a perfect pitch that will inspire your clients or editors and lead them to take the desired action.